2016. 04. 23.
Egyéb, Jászberény
On the 22nd of April we could participate in a fantastic, interactive performance titled „Eksön” in the Marcibányi Community Centre, where Szölösi Attila was a main character.
They processed the „Kövek a Zsebben” play with the members who want to apply to the Színművészeti University this year of Földessy Margit Színi Tanoda. At the end of the performance we could congratulate to Szölösi Attila and to the actress. The two performers who played, presented the characters in different ways of figures. The mood of performance was stunning from the beginning to the end, and the audition also got a role as figurants in the play that’s about film-shooting.
Major Rudolf, J3
Vígh Bence, J2
Darázs Mátyás, J2
Nemoda Enikő, J3