Koszta Prize was awarded to a member of Szentes Group 2

Koszta Prize was awarded to a member of Szentes Group 2

Balázs Nagy, a member of Szentes Group 2 and a graduating student of Szentesi Koszta József Primary School, is someone we can be justifiably proud of, as he received the Koszta Award this year, which was presented to him by the head of the institution!

This award can be given every year to students of the 8th grade. The decision to award it is made by the teaching staff based on the recommendation of the class teacher. The conditions and the reasoning must include a minimum annual average of 4.8, at least a good grade in behavior, and extra activities contributing to the school’s reputation. Balázs finished the past 8 years with excellent results, receiving commendations in several subjects, such as English, biology, and digital culture. He is a diligent, highly intelligent young person with a vast encyclopedic knowledge, which he owes to his continuous learning and information gathering. He reads a lot and keeps his knowledge up-to-date in the field of IT, gaining information from various YouTube channels, both in Hungarian and English, or by following an Australian YouTuber. He consistently performs at his best in every area. Beyond school, he finds relaxation in the world of IT, developing himself further. He is a member of the world’s largest online chess community, Chess.com, where he enhances his chess skills. He achieved 1st place in the Pollák Antal District Informatics Competition. He plans to continue his studies in this direction at the Hódmezővásárhely SzC Szentesi Pollák Antal Technical School, specializing in software development and testing.

We warmly congratulate him on his successes!

Márta Őzéné Törőcsik, Mentor of Szentes Group 2