Our Enviromental Project
On the 28th of September 2019 we went for a trip to the buffalo reservation in Kápolnapuszta within the “our environmental” project. Related to this, we received a test on the first days of October via Google Drive. Its deadline was today and we presented our test to each other. Its purpose was to give each other legit, all-in information about the animals seen at the farm. Some made test sheets and pools, others made pictures, or drew posters, and a few made actual presentations. They will be presented the next time. NB1 Group 2 of NB
“We made an poster full of information whichafter we run a test, and the one with the most points will be rewarded with candies.” Csilla Bozsoki, Dorina Garai, Eszter Pálfi
“I prepared a presentation and presented it to my group members already. I will give them a test sheet the next time.” Milán Vajda