Trip with the paintings from the Italian renaissance
Due to the growing number of students supported by the Csányi Foundation, an exciting event organized for children means two for them. We managed to make January covered with snow exciting, too.
After the opening-ceremony of the Community Centre in Nagybajom, we expected the students in Budapest. On the 22nd and 23rd of January, the younger ones and on the 29th and 30th of January, the older ones were wandering in the capital.
Our professional concept is the long-running development based on each other. The enriching cultural programmes fit in our talent programme. The period of renaissance was set up by the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition. Students were preparing to this exhibition and a theme competition for weeks.
The exhibition “From Boticelli to Tiziano” at the Museum of Fine Arts made it possible for us that the students could remember and deepen their knowledge they have already learnt. The preparation in advance was organized by the mentors. The research work in groups was followed by sheets of exercises and an afternoon wearing period dresses.
The guides at the exhibition, were surprised by the awareness of the children. Due to the age specificity, the 5th and 6th graders tried to answer the guide’s questions interrupting each other. The enthusiasm is not an honour among the 8th and 10th graders, so we needed other methods to inspire them. Undoubtedly, our students liked last year’s Leonardo period more than this one concerning the Holy Bible’s period. We believe that with our huge attention, we can make art living for them.
After the exhibition, we visited the Planetarium as a surprise. Some dreams came true with this surprise. When the room was getting darker and darker, and stars appeared on the ceiling, the enchantedness of the younger ones could be heard, among the older ones slience appeared. Students really liked the information given by the narrator. For adults, for us, it was more difficult to keep up with the information.
Such programmes miracles are that students from different regions can finally meet each other. They were really looking forward to the evening programmes, like dinner, talks, table-tennis.
On the leaving day, there was a lot of snow making the day more adventurous.
Anna Cseh