Dr John Cox
Dr John Cox visited us on 17 October. Thanks to the shared programme of Csányi Foundation and FULBRIGHT COMMISSION Hungarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange.
Dr John Cox, guest professor of University of Szeged from the North Dakota State University, whose speciality is Eastern European history – visited the children in the Community House of Szeged on Friday afternoon. Our guest brought topics to share and discussed with them topics like: the importance of learning, learning languages and how knowledge accumulates throughout history. The participants examined the topics from different viewpoints just like history, politics and economy. Despite the seriousness and complexity of the topics the children were interested thanks to the presentation skills of John Cox. At the end of the discussion there were some interesting and up-to-date questions about the present state of history in Eastern Europe. Before John had to say good-bye he distributed his business cards to the students in case they have any questions they can contact him, helping their studies in this way too.
We are very pleased to have Dr John Cox as our guest for his nice and thought provoking lesson.