Back to Somogyfajsz Again

Back to Somogyfajsz Again

Thursday afternoon, we participated in an exciting program. We visited the wooded pasture in Somogyfajsz. Since our last group photo session, the environment has changed dramatically. Most notably, the gray cattle had moved from the pasture to the pen, and since we were not prepared for the encounter, we had to retreat and quickly return to the car. We tried to adjust the depth of field on thorn-bristled bushes and horses while getting to know the cowherd.

Upon returning to Somogyfajsz, a cheeky black woodpecker showed off in front of our cameras.

Afterwards, we approached the flooded pastures from another direction. We successfully made our way through the puddles and were greeted by wagtails upon arrival. They nest in the same type of cavities dug into the roadside as those near the Ötöshárs-Víztározó in Nagybajom. We managed to capture them more or less through the lens.


Meanwhile, a black stork arrived, and we tried to capture its landing as beautifully as possible.

On Thursday, we were in a magical place, feeling as if we had been transported back to a secluded wetland habitat of Hungary from centuries ago, where we could stroll and chat to our heart’s content, feeling the dense scent of the locust forest while wagtails and ravens sang above our heads. We thank Tibor Tömösváry for another opportunity for hiking and photography. Next time, we will target places around Nagybajom.