Get to know Jászság! – Jászberény
In the Jászság group 4, 16 children from 8 settlements go to the Community House in Jászberény in the capital of Jászság and we would like to get to know the values and sights of each other’s settlements. So the slogan of one of our summer camps is: “Get to know Jászság!” became and in the planned five days we will walk through the children’s settlements on a hiking trail we dreamed of. In the first round, the families help to map their own village and together with the children make a description of the sights and a hiking trail, then take photos of the buildings and landscapes. We are constantly sharing these compilations with you. Our eighth and last settlement is the heart of Jászság: Jászberény. The description was compiled by: Hanna Kovács, Zsolt Kovács, Anna Sas Maja, Viktor Dobosi and Ákos László Kiss also helped in the navigation. We are looking forward to our summer camp! ” Andrea Hábenciusnalla Balla, mentor, Jászság group 4
The city of Jászberény is located in the Northern Great Plain region, in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, the center of the Jászberény district. It is often referred to as the capital of Jászság. It had a population of 27,439 on January 1, 2019, making it the second most populous settlement in the county. It is located in the northern part of the Danube-Tisza, in the north-western part of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, in Jászság, on the two banks of the river Zagyva, 79 km east of Budapest.