Time to say goodbye
Iryna, AIESEC volunteer spent six weeks with us (5th October – 15th November 2015.). She has been in Kaposvár, Pécs and Nagybajom. Iryna was part of our everyday, she held presentations, taught at schools, gave a helping hand to our kids and mentors. Her good sense of humour, open personality and kindness enriched us all
Well, yesterday (2nd November) I arrived in Nagybajom. I like this house and surroundings. I hope my 2 weeks here will be very happy as in Kaposvar and Pecs. I met students today, they showed me, as we were joking, Nagybajom “city” and we were talking about ourselves, our hobbies and everything in the world. I still miss Pecs, but I hope to return one day. As I said before «The Earth is round» and one day we will meet again. So, I`ll be back. 🙂
My volunteering in Nagybajom goes so fast. I came on Monday and when I looked in calendar I found that today is Thursday. The mentors always ask about how I slept, if everything good etc. But I must say that everything is amazing when you surrounded of great atmosphere)
Yesterday I had an opportunity to speak to children and they let me know information about them, their hobbies, favorite things, sports and listen how they sing. Today was my first lesson of Russian as a teacher. I am really happy that I can help students to improve their knowledge.
My first week in Nagybajom ran so fast. I didn`t expect that time can go so fast! So, I started my last week in Hungary visiting local school of Nagybajom. Anett, the English teacher, told me about school and asked me to show presentation about travelling because children learned material about countries previous lesson. So, I hope they liked it. I just can say that they were asking about countries and answered some of my questions. Maybe I inspired them to discover the world. I really liked this day. Now I feel myself tired, but it worth it!
I really like to be here, because I have small trips with mentors to other villages and towns. So, today we were in Böhönye village and we visited school, a library, the Fire Service Office and a church. That school in village is so new and it is located in pleasant surroundings. And I`m happy, that we have visited Fire-man Station. It was really amazing to sit in retro fire truck. We have a lot of photos today and happy memories. Today is the first day when I felt that I miss my home, but I still have time to be here and have fun!
I have a lot of thanx for people, who were with me in Budapest. It was really sunny day. It doesn’t matter that I woke up so early for me, but all day I was happy that I met all of mentors and had a walk around the beautiful city. Finally I visited Cat Café and I can recommend you to visit it also. This place is really nice.
So, here we are. At the last page of my volunteering in Hungary. I have to say that is really difficult to go home after such incredible journey. There are a lot of words in my head and it is little problem to put them together. Here I found a lot of new people and a lot of friends. Everyone is different and it is lovely. I must say that I haven`t been sad any day here (except days when I left Kaposvar and Pecs).
Today was pretty nice day. The sun was shining, we were in a forest and in the evening we visited Kaposvar theater. Ow, how lovely life is. It is still strange for me that today was so emotional day and tomorrow I have to go. But everything finishes. But don`t forget about me, write me on Facebook, call me on Skype. I will answer any time.
Well, I hope to see each other soon. With love and biiiiiig hugs,
Ira, Ukraine.