

On May 12th, all three groups from Pécs including the university students spent a marvelous day together in Budapest. First,...

Projekt day

This Saturday (12th May) was special in that sense that young and old were whizzing around in the Community House...

Opening ceremony

Yesterday we had the honour to participate on an exhibition in Székesfehérvár at Szent Korona Galéria. Dr Lukács István opened...

English Lesson with Hailey Powell

Today the English lesson was held by Hailey Powell, Fulbright volunteer who we met at the Foundation language exam. She...

We went in the cinema

Today,(05.05.) the NB1 group went to Kaposvár, to the Cinema City where we watched the new Marvel movie, Avengers: Infinity...

Ballagnak a középiskolások

12 students from the 1 group of Szeged had the farewell ceremony last week. It was beautiful to see them...

Kosáry Domonkos History Competition

I took part in the Kosáry Domonkos History Competition, it’s semi-final took place in the Budai Ciszterci Szent Imre Gimnasium....

We loved being there

On the first Saturday of May (5th May) the Csányi Foundation had the pleasure to represent itself on the annual...

Cserkelés és madárles

The Photographer Group of Szeged has recently dug themselves into the mysteries of bird photography. Having taken Professor Molnár's advice,...

Successful language exams

This school yearseren of our students took a succesful lenguage exam. On 3rd of February, 6 student from the group K3...

Mini gym in the afternoon

Mini gym in the afternoon A little preparation preceded the soccer tournament today. We could manage to check the time with...

Summer Fête

The third day – 9th April 9:30 We happily welcome our guests. 10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed us and evaluated...

Success in English

This year three of our students got into the national round of the London Bridge English Language Competition, which took...

Last third year in Madrid

On April  2 the third and final trimester began at the European University of Madrid. During this trimester I have...

Preparing for the big day

The Csányi Band has come together again after a year to prepare for the “Walk of life day”. We prepared...

I got a special awward

I attended in a photographer competition by the Dugonics Társaság and Ifjúsági Tagozat. A few days later I git...

Language exams

In the recent days four of us participated in a B2 language exam, and three of us did a C1...

Lajkó in Cinema

On Saturday, on the 14th of April 2018, the K3 group had a new movie experience. We watched a hungarian...