
I graduated

In July of 2020 I was finally able to receive my degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology...

Swim training

We started our swim training in the sports swimming pool in Szeged. Some of us already were good swimmers while...

Stork camp in Szentes

On 27th July has began the Stork camp of the Csányi Foundation's new groups in Szentes. The first two days...


“The youngest group of the Jászberény Community House was the Jászság group 4, who could spend the week on a...

Semester ending teambuilding

After a successful semester the Szeged 1 group gathered together for a teambuilding afternoon. We were very happy to see...

Portfolio evaulation

Eight young people  had to take part in the Portfolio evaluation  at the Kaposvár Community House on July 8th. The...

On the strings of Regős

The Association of Hungarian Poets, the Cultural and Sports Center of Nagyatád and the Primary School of Nagyatád also announced...

Sun-baked quiz

On the first day of July, a new round of the city knowledge competition arrived for the Sz3 little ones....

ECDL modul preparation

Ending the long break on the 23th of June, we started our preparation for our ECDL examinations. First, we refreshed...

Football again

During this afternoon a football session has started in the sports hall. Owning to the headcount 3 teams played with...

The Quiz floated away…

On the second day of the summer break with my fellow group member, Zsolti, we made a several round town...