This school year has hardly started yet, we have already started the project work in the Community House in Jászberény....
This school year has hardly started yet, we have already started the project work in the Community House in Jászberény....
The Kaposvár 1 group faced a great challenge on the occasion of the family day on the 18th of September....
September 11 – we started our first outdoor team buliding activity in the yard of the Community House in Szeged....
Nagybajom The mentors of NB1 and NB2 had their regular The parental meetings at the start of the school-year on the...
Several members of our group have applied for scholarships abroad. Lilla Fekete started this academic year as the winner of...
"Everybody was waiting for the new school year -due to the school, but how the children said for the professions...
“September pampers us with really nice autumn days, so on the first weekend after school, we were able to have...
“It was a huge experience to get to the Puskás Arena. Fortunately, many people came to support the Hungarians, about...
We ended the last school year with a tour, and we began the new one with another on the first...
On July 14th, I got my university degree for finishing the Economic and Logistical Informatitian base class, in the Economy...
At the last weekend of August, the language teachers, mentors, and volunteers of the Foundation had their annual meeting. During...
On August 17, I gave an online presentation about health conscious nutrition for the members of Nagybajom group 1 and...
The health camp in Jászberény was mainly in the spirit of swimming, as we consider it important that our children...
This year, for technical reasons, the financial literacy camp was implemented as a local camp instead of the usual location...
This year we spent a week in Eger within the framework of the historical and national knowledge camps of the...
On July 9, 2021, I received my bachelor's degree in public administration from the Faculty of Political Science and International...
Following some initial introductions and icebreakers, we headed off for a small tour of the city so that the...
Enjoyable and productive programs were held during the camp. Beside trainings and a volleyball championship, we couldn’t miss a voyage...
Monday: “The first day of our local ECDL camp in the Jászság Community House started with the preparation of teacher...
On July 3, 2021, I was able to receive my diploma for completing the economics manager training with an excellent...