
I never give up

One week before the high school entrance exams one part of our group spent it with preparing for them by...

I’ve graduated!

I’ve been a member of Csányi Foundation since 2007. After successfully passing both my school-leaving exam and English language exam...

An Advent trip to Katica Tanya

From December 11 to 12 we crowned our joint Advent program with a trip to Katica Tanya.  The program was...

Félévi szóbeli nyelvi vizsgák

Nagybajom: On Friday afternoon, December 10, the online oral rounds of the language competition also took place continuously in the Nagybajom...

House of Gucci

On the last day of November, young people living in S10 took part in an exciting cinema watching. Ridley Scott’s...

Delta and logic

Before our day began our most important task was to feed our birds. As the temperature outside cools and frosty...

A walk in the forest in Mártély

In connection with our Tisza-project that started last year, today we visited one of the Tisza river's oxbow more precisely...

Preparations for the portfolio

Today, on 13th November, we had prepared for our portfolio defense with different tasks.  We started with a light start-of-class...

ECDL Training

"Our group continued to work diligently during the autumn break, hoping for another successful exam, we took part in Ecdl...

Happy Monday

On Monday, October 25th we organized halloween afternoon for Roland’s new group in nagbyajom’s community house. Our goal was to...

At the Bagolyvár Evening

On 18 October 2021 enthusiastic members of the Group 2 of Szeged attended an interesting talk within the educational program...

We were in Eger

„At the weekend I went to Eger with my groupmates and our mentor. Everyone was looking forward to it because...


On the last day before the autumn break, we visited a part of the Jászság Group 4 at the site...

Success in ECDL

Pécs 2 group has successfully completed two modules of ECDL this year. The first one was Power Point and now...