
Sleepover days

The Jászság Group 4 started the year with a sleepover, as it is our tradition that the team spends three...

Visit to the House of Hope

On the morning of 22 December, the Pécs 2 group visited the House of Hope in Pécs on the occasion...

Love from the heart

Today we visited the Szent Ferenc United Social Institution in Jászberény, where we presented our Advent dance to the residents...

Advent Family Day in Szentes

On 17 December 2022, the day before the 4th Sunday of Advent, we gathered in Szentes at the Community House...

We will be superheroes

Group 1 of Kaposvár started something special, as the young people are participating in the Maker's Red Box Superhero project...

District IT Competition in Szentes

On 22 November 2022, the SzC Antal Pollák Technical School of Hódmezővásárhely organized the district IT competition, in which Krisztina...

Advent Family Day in Nagybajom

17 December: Groups 1 and 2 of Nagybajom also held their joint Advent family day. By nine in the morning, the...

Advent in Mohács

"On the second weekend of December, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Community House was once again the scene of a...

Advent in Szentes

The children and their parents from Group 1 in Szentes spent the evening together on 9 December in the house....

Advent retreat in Orfű

We were looking forward to going on a field trip to Orfű, as the older members of our group did...

Advent Family Day

The Advent period brings love and peace to the hearts of all of us, and the smell of gingerbread wafts...