Flying on wings
The opening of Anikó Nagy's exhibition entitled Dizzy on Wings took place today in the Déryné 6 Gallery of the...
The opening of Anikó Nagy's exhibition entitled Dizzy on Wings took place today in the Déryné 6 Gallery of the...
I have reached a huge milestone in my life, as I ended my studies successfully. I have graduated as a...
On the first Sunday of February, we visited the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest with university students, where we had...
During our visit to the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Child Protection Center and Territorial Child Protection Specialist Service, we had the opportunity...
One day we had a break from classes, and we decided to do something adventurous. On Friday morning, with Kristóf...
Masked revelers flooded the downtown of Kaposvár on February 3rd, Saturday afternoon, as a carnival parade was organized in the...
On 3 February, the doors of the Szeged Community House were opened for families interested in the talent selection scheduled...
"In 2023, interested Foundation students had the opportunity to learn programming by taking part in Alphacademy courses. The Csányi Foundation...
At the beginning of February, Group 1 in Szentes held a project weekend. This time, food came under the spotlight...
One of the project groups pf the Jászság Community House has been dealing with water testing for years. 02. 02....
Today I participated in the physics open day at the ELI laser centre in Szeged with my group mate Márkó...
At the first logic class of the year, we divided the team with Zalán. This way, we ended up...
"The preparations for the selection process have started at the Mohács Community House. One significant event in this process was...
Our Community House in Kaposvár held Open Days on the occasion of the upcoming Selection on 26-27 January. On the...
Október 11-én, szombaton a Pécs 3-as csoport egy kutatóhajó legénységévé vált. Világkörüli expedícióra indultak, hogy a résztvevők megismerjék a globális...
On the last Saturday of 27 January, we gathered for a "Milestones" project day at the Szentes Community House. On...
On Saturday, we participated in the FIRST LEGO League - Debrecen regional qualifier, where 12 teams competed in the categories...
I believe that the final exams are already a significant mental and emotional challenge for graduating high school students, but...
On Saturday (20.01.2024), our group took part in a team building bowling session to successfully close the first semester of...
Since we saw so many wonderful photos of the frozen Lake Balaton, some members of Kaposvár Group 1 and I...