
ECDL exams in Jászberény

"In our IT lessons this school year we have been preparing for the ECDL exams. We knew that this was...

Séf the World! competition

"SÉF the World!" organized by the Association of Hungarian Conservationists in professional cooperation with the National Association of Caterers and...

We met Dr. Katalin Karikó

On 5 June we had the great fortune to meet Dr Katalin Karikó, undoubtedly one of the most famous Hungarians...

Treasure Hunt reward trip

Over the weekend, the top winners of the cross-school year Taller Collection competition went on a reward trip. The Taller...

End-of-year in Mohács

"The fathers and grandfathers of the Community House of Mohács gathered on Saturday. The last development day of the school...


"On the second and third of June, five of us from Jászság group 4 took the exam at the English...

UEFA Europa League Final

"Tears, laughter, smoke, cheers and applause from all sides. On the last day of May, the Europa League final was...

Bird Observation

On 29 May 2023, the photographers of Szeged Group 2 had the opportunity to try out a bird photographer station...

Parents’ Forum in Jászberény

The spring meeting of the Parents' Forum was held on 1 June at the Jászberény Community House. We discussed the...

Children’s Day in Mohács

"We've been talking all week and we were excited about Saturday's trip, which Aunt Erika organised for us for Children's...

Top of the podium

The 3rd Saint George Athletics Tournament took place in Jászalsószentgyörgy on 25.05, where participants from primary schools of Jászság competed....

Parents’ Academy in Jászberény

"On the afternoon of May 26, Dr. Beáta Kanizsai, a gynecologist and pediatrician, gave a presentation to the mothers and...