
Getting ready for Sydney

On June 14, 2024, we held a parent meeting for the Jász-Stones team, who qualified for the Asia Pacific Open...

Fundraising for the FizioKözpont

With the participation of our university students, alumni members, and staff, our Foundation organized a fundraiser for the FizioKözpont -...

FitKid success

It's been almost 7 years since Fittkid became a part of my life. Even as a child, I knew that...

Concert experiences

On June 17th, we had the opportunity to attend a concert by an international band at Budapest Park, thanks to...

End-of-Year Parents’ Meetings

Pécs: On June 14th, all three Pécs groups held a parent-teacher meeting at the Community House. In the first part of...

Inside Out 2 premiere

In the afternoon, we had several tasks at the Community House, but afterwards, we went to the cinema because the...

A macska (“The Cat)

On the evening of June 17th, Group 1 from Szentes went to the theater. The children and parents present were...

Kalandozás a Holt-Tisza partján

Today (2024.06.15.), we visited Mártély with my classmates, and Amber joined us on the adventure. The departure at 8:30 AM...

ICDL exam in Szeged

We have been preparing for the ICDL exam since April with the help of Móric Váradi, who gave us all...

Our first experiences in Szeged

"On Saturday, as the first joint program of the Szeged groups, we visited the Mórahalom buffalo reserve, where our Csányi...

Meeting of theatres in Kaposvár

With our theater enthusiast members, we closed this year's season with a theater visit over the weekend. This year, the...

Year-end in the Delta

Yesterday, we concluded our school year. Over the past year, we engaged in many activities beyond the required ones. Among...

Parents’ Forum in Szeged

The last meeting of the 2023/24 academic year’s Parents’ Forum in Szeged was held on June 14. The main focus...