A tavasz első hetében egy rendhagyó foglalkozáson vettünk részt (március 4.)...
A tavasz első hetében egy rendhagyó foglalkozáson vettünk részt (március 4.)...
Deák Kristóf Oscar-díjas Mindenki című rövidfilmje a Kaposvár 3-as csoport egyetemistáit is összehozta....
A szombati foglalkozásunk után fotós csapatunk egy régóta tervezett helyszínre ment madarakat fotózni Guillherme-vel. Ez alkalommal a zákányszéki Madárkertbe látogattunk...
A legutóbbi két természetbúvár foglalkozáson gombacsírát szöveteltettünk szalmára, egy új hidropóniás rendszerrel kísérleteztünk. A második óránkon az eddigi foglalkozásaink munkáit...
Today our volunteer Borsós Zsófia held an informative and creative workshop for the P2 group....
On 28.02.2017 we (P2) travelled down to Mohács to take part in the traditional festival the „busójárás”....
On the 2 and 3 of February the mid-year parent-mentor meetings were held in Mohács....
As a tradition, group 2 of Szeged has celebrated the end of the first term with a bowling competition. After Saturday's...
Today, 8th February, we had our mid-term parent-mentor meeting in group 3 of Pécs. At this meeting we talked about the...
Several important occasions happened on the 11th February in our community centre. While the students were having developmental classes , the...
We had our Advent's Family Day on 10th December in Mohács. As every Saturday, today's morning was spent on studying but...
In the last few weeks, two students supported by the Foundation has ended their studies at the university and they...
On the last Friday of February we could take part in a Macedon concert in Szenna....
Visit The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights We could spend few hours in The Office of the...
Last week the parents' of the students in Kaposvár's group 1 and 2 had an opportunity to look into the...
It was bright and sunny as we went to the music hall in Pécs with the Csányi Band....
We have been waiting for so long to be together again and finally, our orchestra had a rehearsal this weekend...