
„Sports day”

On the 3rd of June, group 1 and 2 spent the day on doing sports in Jászberény. A „sports day” at...

We’re on a boat

We went out to row on a dragonboat on this wonderful sunny morning (3rd June). We were on Partfürdő on the...

Time Capsule

Today is the closing day of our international 2016 – 2017 school year project, the Time Capsule Project (2016 –...

Language project day

On 3rd June the language classes came to an end for this year with the now traditional language project day...

Parent mentor meeting

The meetings were held for all 3 groups in the beginning of the month in Pécs (2nd June). The topics discussed...

ECDL exam 4th module

Group 3 of Szeged arrived to the 4th end-of-module exam out of the 7 modules. The basic online knowledge exam...

End of the school-year

Pénteken (május 26.) találkoztunk a Jászberényi Közösségi Házban....


A unique way of passing the message of "Save your environment!"....


A május 25-i Természetbúvár Klub foglalkozáson a Csányi Alapítvány szegedi 3-as csoportjának egy része egy rövid túrán a vett...

Sport day

In Jászberény Was organised the VI. Sport selection day that We visited with Tamás bácsi....


Due to children’s day all 3 groups from Mohács visited the theme park in Bikal....

Rippl-Rónai Festival

25th May on the first day of the Rippl-Rónai festival with some of our group members we took a...


On 25th May the Csányi foundation was invited to the 25th anniversary of the Fáy András foundation....


26th May, in the frame of the Children’s Day (programs organized by the school), we went to Kaposvár, to take...