

Halloween was celebrated on the last Saturday of October in the Community House of Kaposvár, where the groups prepared numerous...

Logic class

Kaposvár: Today Group 1 and Group 2 of Kaposvár participated in a playful logic class held by Ádám Balogh, who...

Nikon 7 application

In the past weeks with my mentor I’ve been preparing to the Nikon 7 photo application which was organized for...

New Season

The first rehearsal was held on 27th – 28th of October in the Pécs community house. We discussed the our...

MCC KP Saturday

I spent my Saturday of 21 October in Budapest at the centre of Mathias Co9rvinus Collegium. After a short introduction...

Language Projekt in Mohács

We held our language project day on 21 October in the Mohács Community House. The children could compete at five...


The collaboration between GE Digital and the Csányi Foundation has resulted in a workshop day for the Foundation during the...

Photo shooting in Mártély

In the afternoon of 15th Oct. 2017, we tidied the cellar of the Community House and after having a pizza...

Monsters under the microscope

On the first Science Class in this year (11.10. 2017) we tried out the micriscope adapter we bought in the...


The competition season has started again and we were at Nyíregyháza at the III. round of the Hungarian Cup. We...


On 15th October we had the pleasure to join the 3rd Generosity birthday party of the Amigos for the children...

Football in Csíkszereda

On Thursday morning, footballers from various houses of the foundation started to go to present our foundation on the CSASZ...

Global Chessfestival

Nagybajom On the 14th of October in Budapest, the World Chess Festival opened it’s gates for the 11th time, welcoming the...

‘Clown Suit’

On October 14th (Saturday) the 3rd group of Kaposvár could have an interesting and special experience at the theatre. In...

Parents’ Academy

On 14th October the parents of Group 1 of Kaposvár were invited to participate in an informal discussion regarding their...

Butterflies, egrets, herons

The Photographers of Group 2 of Szeged visited Mórahalom and Ásotthalom the last two weekends. As the weather turned better we...