

Gondolatok egy filmről....


Today (25th February) we took part in a photo-shooting training....

Open-week in Kaposvar

Last week the parents' of the students in Kaposvár's group 1 and 2 had an opportunity to look into the...

Music music and more music

We have been waiting for so long to be together again and finally, our orchestra had a rehearsal this weekend...

Malom Theater

On 22nd Februray we saw a wonderful play in the Malom Theater in Jászberény....


On 21st February the National Instruments organised in Budapest its Seminar called The most update platforms, inviting all the interested...

Semester-ending bowling match

Similarly to earlier years, the Szeged 2 group finished the semester with a team game. After the weekend classes we...


Február 17-én este Gyöngyösre látogattunk, hogy egy profi bajnoki meccset nézzünk meg, ahol a Telekom Veszprém ellen B. Braun Gyöngyös...

Forum in Jászberény

On 17th February in the afternoon the advocacy forum has came together.  ...

Fresh graduates

In the last few weeks two member of our foundation passed succesfully their state examination end finished their university studies...

Parents meeting in K3

The K3 group's parents meeting main topic was to talk about the result of the first half year in the...