
Logic and everything else

At the first logic class of the year, we divided the team with Zalán. This way, we ended up...

Open Day in Mohács

"The preparations for the selection process have started at the Mohács Community House. One significant event in this process was...

Open house with opportunities

Our Community House in Kaposvár held Open Days on the occasion of the upcoming Selection on 26-27 January. On the...

First Lego League Finals

On Saturday, we participated in the FIRST LEGO League - Debrecen regional qualifier, where 12 teams competed in the categories...

Semester closing bowling

On Saturday (20.01.2024), our group took part in a team building bowling session to successfully close the first semester of...

We visited Lake Balaton

Since we saw so many wonderful photos of the frozen Lake Balaton, some members of Kaposvár Group 1 and I...

I’ve been to South Korea

As a snowboard athlete, I had the privilege of participating in a two-week training camp in Pyeongchang, South Korea, host...

In pairs in the polis

On January 20, 2024, the lion's share of the Szeged Group 3 continued their studies on the ancient Greek world....

First iExpo of my life

"Now that I am a third-year student at the Faculty of Economics and Accounting of the University of Pécs, I...

C1 language certification

I have successfully passed my C1 level English exam. I took the exam at Languagecert. The exam included reading comprehension,...

Photo Exhibition

For the 12th time, Somogy Temetkezési Kft. and the Somogyi Hírlap organised the photo exhibition "The Message of Cemeteries". A...

Educatio 2024

"The 11th grade students in our group have been thinking about further education lately, so today we went to the...

From holiday to hiking boots

"On the first weekend of the new year, the groups of our Community House in Kaposvár took part in a...