Art and experiences in Szentes
On 11 November 2022, after the classes, we stayed in the Community House to spend the evening and night together,...
On 11 November 2022, after the classes, we stayed in the Community House to spend the evening and night together,...
The group 1 had a „long Friday” ont he first weekend of Advent. We tried to compress a lot of...
Oral language exams in Szeged This fall, all members of the Group 2 of Szeged took part in the oral language...
The Hungarian national football team played against Greece on Sunday evening in a friendly match for the last time in...
"Today's Children's Parliament meeting, together with the Football and Chess Championships, was hosted in Mohács, together with the Representative Forum. ...
The László Lajtha Music School in Szentes once again held its traditional autumn pupil concert, where the most talented students...
With the weekend rehearsals of the Chamber Orchestra and the Csányi Band, the new school year has begun for our...
On the fourth weekend of October, Group 1 from Szentes worked again within the "Health and Environment" project. After the...
What's in the box? Motivation. On 15 October, a delegation of mentors from the Csányi Foundation's Community Houses visited the futuristic community...
On 14 October 2022 we held our Representative Forum meeting at the Szentes Community House. In accordance with the previously...
On the first weekend of October, on the 7th and 8th, we held the first project-exhibition day of this school...
Őszi Családi Nap Szentesen Az őszi időjárás már igen-igen nagy tréfát tud űzni a szabadban programot szervezőkkel ebben az időszakban, ezért...
The new school year’s first meeting was on 9th September for the supported families. The parents and children were happy...
"The Prehistoric Interactions on the Plain Project (PIPP) just completed their Summer 2022 season. The project focuses on the Late...
Exercise could not be left out of our lives this summer, so the second sports camp in Mohács started today....
The 10th class groups set off for this year's thematic camp in Transylvania on 17 July 2022. Transylvania is a...
The Health Camp has started in Szentes: on the first day the foods were the main theme. After the morning...
We would like to congratulate our patron, Dr. Katalin Karikó, for receiving the European Inventor Award from the European Patent...
On 30 May, as a reward for the contest announced jointly with Bonafarm, the participants could visit the Sole-Mizo Zrt.'s...
"Our foundation places a strong emphasis on foreign language teaching, so it has become a tradition for years to organize...