After by Anna Todd
On 1 May, members of the P1 group watched the new film adaptation of Anna Todd's After. The plot is...
On 1 May, members of the P1 group watched the new film adaptation of Anna Todd's After. The plot is...
All the tenth class supported students of the Csányi Foundation had to take part in the Portfolio evaluation. They had...
Patrick and I volunteered to present the university of National defense to the P3 group through our separate experiences. I'm...
"At 10 o’clock, after the groups from Pécs, Kaposvár, Jászberény arrived, the sessions started in 3 groups in more locations...
Community House of Szeged - on 20 April, our mentors were waiting for us at 10 a.m. but the vast...
With the help of the mentors I organised a creative crafts workshop for the kids in the community house. They...
The third day – 13th April 9:30 We happily welcome our guests. 10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed...
We have gathered together on this weekend to finish the setlist for Gala. According to the genres, it is going...
Following the Foundation's traditions April is the month when the end of term oral exams take place. This year has...
Nagybajom: Today, the FIFA-championship reached its local finals in Nagybajom. Fifteen children entered the competition and were divided into three...
We gathered together again for rehearsal at the weekend. This time the drummer joined us. It was much livelier this...
Today ( 23rd of March), the Csányi Foundation's football and chess championship was held. Our footballers and chess players came...
On 15 March, the Csányi Band got together again to rehearse for their upcoming performance in April. Everyone did their...
PÉCS - evrything about health At the weekend the groups of Pécs assembled to have their monthly project. This time they...
This year the foundation still focuses of delveloping children using acting, or we can call it drama school. Each year...
As the next step of the parents academy programme, high school students of the foundation shared their personal experiences with...
On 16th February I graduated from the faculty of economics on the University of Pécs specialised in tourism and catering...
The Csányi Foundation and the Amnesia group ran its collaborative project of “See, learn and make it happen III.” For...
Today, only we four practiced as Adriana was ill. The goal was to up the tempo of all the pieces,...
Kaposvár: On the 15th of February, the parents of the 4th group in Kaposvár participated in their first midterm’s parental meeting....