

On 16th October Pécs groups have visited the theather again to gain some new experiences from the musical adaptation of...

I graduated

I have received my degree of Military Science after four years from the National University of Public Service in August...


Today on the 3rd of October, the Advocacy Forum in Pécs has been established. We have discussed the experiences of...

Terrestrial Force test

The Hungarian Army’s 25th Klapka György Tank Brigade 11th Tank Gunner Unit has participated on the new Leopard 2A4 tank’s...

Successful ECDL exam

The last days of summer have passed by really usefully. During the heat, we not only enjoyed the weather, but...

Parent’s Meeting

Nagybajom We also had our parental meetings in Nagybajom on the 5th, 11th and 12th September. We talked about this...

Together again

As in every year, we held our annual meeting for the language teachers. Those who were not able to make...

The school year has started

As at schools, so at the Csányi Foundation have started the 2020/21’s session. As in the previous year the project-based...

Local project day in Siklós

I have participated on 29th August with Pécs 2 group on their program as a guide. We have spent this...

ECDL Training in Pécs

This year in August Group 2 of Pécs participated in ECDL Training. This summer Excel was at the center of...

Project weekend in Pécs

Grade 11 from Nagybajom, Pécs and Szeged was together again for a long weekend in August. The planned trip to...

I graduated

In July of 2020 I was finally able to receive my degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology...

Talent selection process 2020

In 2020 the Csányi Foundation invited an application for 15 kids from Jászság, and 30 from Szentes and its district...


The official Police Day takes place on the 24th of April every year, and this year it was the 100th...