
Creative Writing in Budapest

"The creative writing section spent the last weekend of January in Budapest. One of the main themes of the three-day...

In the Ice Hall of Kaposvár

Uncle Roland picked us up at 13:30 on Saturday. There was already a good atmosphere in the bus. Zalán was...

I became a dietitian

I graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs, majoring in nursing and patient care. I...

Advent Family Day in Nagybajom

17 December: Groups 1 and 2 of Nagybajom also held their joint Advent family day. By nine in the morning, the...

Financial training session

It was all about money on Friday afternoon at the Kaposvár Community House, where students and parents from Kaposvár Group...

Oral language exams

Oral language exams in Szeged This fall, all members of the Group 2 of Szeged took part in the oral language...

Delta and logic in Nagybajom

Our Saturday was significant because of the development classes, plus we were able to squeeze a lot of pleasant things...

Making a swallow’s nest

"Délelőtt tízkor beérkeztünk a Közösségi Házba. Megnéztünk egy videót amiben azt mutatták be, hogy hogyan kell gipszből fecskefészket készíteni. Miután...

The Children’s Parliament met again

"Today's Children's Parliament meeting, together with the Football and Chess Championships, was hosted in Mohács, together with the Representative Forum. ...

Halloween atmosphere

The Nagybajom community center had a terrifically exciting day. On Saturday morning, all three groups showed up for their weekly...