
Gifting in Kaposvár

The Kaposvár Group 1 gathered for a joint gift-giving session on December 21st at the Kaposvár Community House. Although the...

Family Day

In December, our community houses, dressed in festive attire, welcome their beneficiaries and family members to an end-of-year Advent family...

Járt utat járatlanra cseréltünk (2. rész)

Előzmény: https://www.csanyialapitvany.hu/jart-utat-jaratlanra-csereltunk/ "Delayed, but not forgotten," they say. This was certainly true for our Trekking Club, as we finally managed to...

The mosaic coming together

A mozaik összecsiszolódása Usually, we might start our writing during our trips or hikes with the weather being kind to us...

Success in Volleyball

"As a member of the Fino Kaposvár "A" II. class mini (U13) volleyball team I participated in two volleyball matches...

In the footsteps of Superheroes

Although Superheroes was last year's project for Kaposvár Group 1, this year's project also included the Marvels movie, which the...