
We did it

Mohács - 14 April "Our Community House was the last one where the kids presented what they have learnt in this...

An irregular literary evening

We took part in an irregular literature lesson with my group (K3). It was represented by Zoltán Beck, the singer...

Advocacy Forum in Kaposvár

The members of the Advocacy Forum met for the first time this year in the Community House of Kaposvár. At...

Easter surprise

The chocolate eggs have arrived! Thank you! Today everyone could enjoy a bite of the giant chocolate egg that was...

Spring Delights in Kaposvár

Springtime has brought great successes and results in Kaposvár. Dominik Antal and Lilla Fekete from Group 2 and Levente Lassu...

It has begun

Good luck to all of you! The Foundation invites applicants for the Foundation's Educational Programme in Kaposvár and in Szeged. Altogether...

FIFA Tournament in Kaposvár

On the first weekend of March the FIFA tournament was successfully organized at the Community House of Kaposvár. The participants...

Award Winning Drum Solo

We set off for Szombathely in the wintertime with our teacher Virág Horváth, with two drummers and with our enthusiastic...

Snow Project in Kaposvár

The weather is always an excellent topic to talk about, even among those who cannot easily get along with each...

Studio work

Today (2018.02.26) we worked in the sound studio to record our songs for the Csányi Band CD to be published...

Preparing for the CD

The youngest members of the Csányi Band held a rehearsal at the community house in Pécs preparing for the “Walk...

Photo Course continued

Started in last year, consisting of more occasions, yesterday (10.02.2018.) we continued our Photo Course with its 3rd “lesson”, in...

Parent-mentor meating

On 3rd February Group 3 of Kaposvár held a parent-mentor meeting, where we discussed a number of important topics. First...

Getting into the carnival mood

We spent an eventful weekend in the Community House. In the morning, the last round of the language competition brought...

It has begun

Good luck to all of you! The Foundation invites applicants for the Foundation's Educational Programme (15 students in Kaposvár and...


"On 26th January we spent a couple of hours in the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights with the...