
Developers’ and parents’ meeting

Szeptember 24.- Pécs On 25th September we have started our new schoolyear with a parental meeting where dr. Miklós Radoszáv operative...

Family day in Community house

On a family day in September, we talked together about occupational choices and further education, with the children and former...

Family Day at Katica Farm

„We had a chance to attend the family day event with Csányi Foundation at Katica Farm in Patca on Sunday,...

Chess competition in Nagykanizsa

On 14 and 15 September one of the largest domestic chess supply competition of the year, the XXXI. Batthyány-Kanizsa Cup,...

Language teachers’ semester opening

"Following our traditions every school year starts for the Foundation’s language teachers with the meeting in Lóránt Street. The first...

We won

The Nagybajom’s local champioship started yesterday. Our opponent was Segesd. The match started at 19:30. Our team attacked more therefore...

Swimming Camp

Today the Kaposvár Group 4th’s swimming camp started, which was hosted by Kaposvár Virágfürdő. Unfortunately, the weather was not gracious...

ECDL camp in Kaposvár

„We started our preparation for the next ECDL module today with our new teacher, Gábor Kanalics. This time we get...

Sailing camp at Balaton

5th day - Friday morning we spent our time on the water. The weather was pleasant for sailing. Today we...

A song ends, another begins

I'm not quite sure if there'd be any precise expression in any language that could describe my current feelings. After...

Veszprém – Logic Camp

Day 1: In the late afternoon we arrived in Veszprém, the location of our logic camp. After the first dinner,...

Finally Graduated!

“Dear Csányi Foundation! The time has finally come! This summer I graduated from the Faculty of Art of the University...

English Travel Journal

Part6/Day 6 Today was our last day at school, which made us feel blue, because even within this short space...


23rd June - 17 students were awarded to participate on the intensive language course in Augsburg from 23rd - 30th...

ECDL exam

“ Group 1 of Kaposvár could not just sit back and relax at the end of the school year, because...