
How well do you know your town?

„Today the members of K3, instead of the usual English lesson, participated in a competition of our town organized by...

Regional recitation competition

On May 18, the regional final of József Attila recitation competition was held in Nagyatád. We were also represented by...

Nature studies-project

On May 18, we went to Somogyszob, to the Forestry School and Educational Center. Kriszta received us with a stag-beetle...


„It was such a wonderful experience for us to go to Budapest and have the opportunity to watch the UEFA...

We looked Green book movie

Today we had the chance to visit the Szivárvány Culture Centre to watch an Oscar-winning movie, the Green Book. It...

MindLab success

In MindLab sessions, children play different logical board and card games through which they learn thinking schemes. They make decisions...

Weekend Fun

Last weekend of April was really busy for the groups of Kaposvár. On Saturday morning the groups performed their Summer...

Easter Gift

Community House of Szeged - on 20 April, our mentors were waiting for us at 10 a.m. but the vast...

Summer Fête

The third day – 13th April 9:30 We happily welcome our guests.   10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed...

Rehearsals; Done

We have gathered together on this weekend to finish the setlist for Gala. According to the genres, it is going...

End of term exam

Following the Foundation's traditions April is the month when the end of term oral exams take place. This year has...

FIFA-championship 2019

Nagybajom: Today, the FIFA-championship reached its local finals in Nagybajom. Fifteen children entered the competition and were divided into three...

A busy Saturday

"We had a very busy day on the last Saturday of March at the Community House of Kaposvár. At first...

National Finals

On March 30, we went to Budapest for the national final of the Evangelical Lutheran Competition. We were very excited...

Parents’ Academy

By March 29th, as parents of the Kaposvár Group 4th we received an invitation from Mónika Szigeti, a psychologist, to...