
In the mood for Advent

A very comlex program awaited our group today. Four are preparing a complex English language exam at the basic level,...

Wildlife 2023

Between 17-18 November 2023, nature photographers from Szeged, Jászberény and Szentes took part in the XII Fehértav carnival. Unfortunately, this...

Children’s Rights programme

"20 November is World Children's Day. Today, 34 years ago, the United Nations signed the most widely adopted document in...

Presentation about AI

"An online presentation on Artificial Intelligence was given by Ágoston Kemenesi, from the Mobilis Interactive Experience Centre in Győr. Nowadays,...

Parents’ Forum

On Friday afternoon (17 November) we held the autumn meeting of our Parents' Forum at the Community House in Jászberény....

Sikeres ICDL 5. modul vizsga

Today, after the school lessons, we headed to he Szent József Catholic Electronic Technical High School and College, which is...

We visited the MOME open day

"Taking advantage of the autumn break, we visited the Open Day of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design with...

Autumn break

"We also met in the Community Centre during the break. In addition to the high school coaching, we also had...

Career guidance

After the maths and computer science classes, we had the opportunity to talk to Csányis students about further studies. I...

III. Jászság Dinamikája Futónap

The Jászság Dinamikája Futónap took place for the third time in Jászberény on this beautiful warm day, where several people...

We made a trip to Szilvásvárad

"The school year started with an exciting excursion in the morning, when all the "Csányi" groups of Jászság, young and...