
Freshmen Camp in Sarlóspuszta

The Csányi Foundation has launched three new groups this year, in Jászberény, Mohács and Pécs. An enthusiastic and cheerful group...

Parents’ Academy

At the Parents' Academy in the Jászberény Community House we had the chance to talk to psychologist Ágnes Kovács. Ágnes...

Augsburg 2023 travel diary

20 students completed the Foundation’s German competition succesfully this year and they got the opportunity to participate in a one-week...

I learned to draw

"I had the opportunity to participate in one of the preparatory courses of the Budai Drawing School. Before the course...


"On June 10, the Jászság 4th and Jászság 2nd groups held a family day in the Community Hall and its...

Which High School to pick?

  "We have already been introduced to the secondary schools of Jászberény by the heads of the schools in our...

End-of-year parents’ meetings

Nagybajom: "On 08.06.2023, the Nagybajom Group 1 and 2 held their end-of-year parents' meeting. Common topics included experiences with school studies,...

ECDL exams in Jászberény

"In our IT lessons this school year we have been preparing for the ECDL exams. We knew that this was...

Séf the World! competition

"SÉF the World!" organized by the Association of Hungarian Conservationists in professional cooperation with the National Association of Caterers and...

We met Dr. Katalin Karikó

On 5 June we had the great fortune to meet Dr Katalin Karikó, undoubtedly one of the most famous Hungarians...

Treasure Hunt reward trip

Over the weekend, the top winners of the cross-school year Taller Collection competition went on a reward trip. The Taller...


"On the second and third of June, five of us from Jászság group 4 took the exam at the English...

UEFA Europa League Final

"Tears, laughter, smoke, cheers and applause from all sides. On the last day of May, the Europa League final was...

Parents’ Forum in Jászberény

The spring meeting of the Parents' Forum was held on 1 June at the Jászberény Community House. We discussed the...

Top of the podium

The 3rd Saint George Athletics Tournament took place in Jászalsószentgyörgy on 25.05, where participants from primary schools of Jászság competed....