
„Football hooligans”

The last evening of August (31st August) was a special day for us, because the Hungary National Football Team was...

Unique ten days

In the middle of August I had the chance to take place in the MCC Summer Academy 2017. During 10...

Art Camp in Pécs

Day one (01.August): The new 2017 art camp was launched in Pécs with an ice breaker lead by Papp Zoltan...

I am an engineer

7th of July was a big day in my life because finally I graduated from the university of Szolnok where...


1th day - On Monday morning we set off from our Community Houses, we met at Mohács, went on together...

Tokaj Harald

Even the long and a bit tiring journey could not take our mood away from this foreign language camp in...


On the first day (4th July) our thinking-developer and logic camp began in Veszprém for the 1st group of Jászság...


First day - Completing the Foundation's annual language competition (German language A2, B1, B2, C1 level) the winners had the...

The creative right hemisphere

On the 19th of June, on Monday in Jászberény a three-day training has started for the groups Jászság 1,2. During...

Camp Diary

With great excitement we have begun our first freshers camp,with the youngest of the Csányi’s at Sarlóspuszta (19-23 June). 1st day...

Announcing the result

The Csányi Foundation launched a tender called Ready, steady, drive! Its aim was to supports our students aged 17+ to get...


After the summer break, the new CSALAPHANG reigns in the new academic year, thank you for the excellent work of...

Parents meeting

In June 10th the Jászság 2. Group, parents And children  had a doctorial prevention lesson. The lesson Was held By Dr....

„Sports day”

On the 3rd of June, group 1 and 2 spent the day on doing sports in Jászberény. A „sports day” at...

End of the school-year

Pénteken (május 26.) találkoztunk a Jászberényi Közösségi Házban....

Sport day

In Jászberény Was organised the VI. Sport selection day that We visited with Tamás bácsi....

Family Day in Jászberény

Május 21-én vasárnap a Jászság 3-as csoport a jászberényi Szántai kertben tartotta tanévzáró családi napját....

The first parent-mentor meeting

A Jászsági Közösségi Házban május18-án került sor a programba most bekerült gyerekek és a szülők első találkozójára....