
Mentor-parent meeting

The Szeged 1 group held the year summarising meeting on 7th of July. One of the topics was the past...

ECDL exam in Jászberény

On the 11th of June, we’ve got through the 4th ECDL exam from the 7, wich was about PowerPoint Presentations....

Present ractice in the Főnix

On Saturday we waited the present lesson very much that Ildi néni organised for us. After lunch we walked to...

Summer Fête

The third day – 9th April 9:30 We happily welcome our guests. 10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed us and evaluated...

We did it

Mohács - 14 April "Our Community House was the last one where the kids presented what they have learnt in this...

Body exhibition

On 29th March, we had the chance to visit the world-wide famous Body exhibition. All our children could come and...

Easter holiday

We celebrated Easter on Holy Thursday with the Jaszsag 3 group. The girls made eggs with needle punched technology. Boys...

ECDL exam in Jászberény

Today we have completed ECDL exams of 7 modules the third one and it was the Text Editing. We have...

Easter surprise

The chocolate eggs have arrived! Thank you! Today everyone could enjoy a bite of the giant chocolate egg that was...

Talent Day for the Carpathian basin

Today, both our children from the foundation and three community houses received recognition in the field of talent support and...

A long weekend

On Friday afternoon, we arrived at the Community House, then went to the gym of Lehel Vezér Gimnázium, where there...


We gathered for the last rehearsal before the Walk of Life day in the community house in Pécs. We were...

Parents’s meeting, Jászberény

It was a parents's meeting in the Jászság Community House. Our mentor Ildikó Nagy sumarized what happened in the previous...

Parent-mentor meeting

On the 27th February, a parent-mentor meeting was organised by the Csányi Foundation’s mentors in Jászberény. We talked about the...

Chamber orchestra rehearsal

We have gathered again this weekend to practice together for the "walk of life day". Everyone put in their best...

Visited Jasz Museum

Today we visited the Jasz Museum, where we had opportunity to take part in Edit Hortiné dr. Bathó, local ethnographer’s...