
We finished in the IV. place

The team of the Jászság Community House (called Jász-stones) finished in the IV. place in the online final of the...

“Quarantined Spring”

We publish the collection of the winning artworks from the "Quarantined Spring" competition. The design and preparation was made by...

Expo 2020 Dubai

Spain, participating in next year’s Expo in Dubai, in line with the slogan expressing the spirit of the expo, “Connecting...

Creative Saturday

"Group 4 of Jászság spent a super day together at the Community House on November 21st, where Simon Ramóna, one...


"We had our yearly panel discussion of interest-representation today, in an online form this time.  In all community houses, there...

Pumpkin muffins

“We spent a grest day at the Community House on the third day of the autumn break, on the 28...

Blood donation

"Some of the students from Budapest decided to choose an afternoon that suits everyone and go to the Blood Supply...

Together during the autumn break

“On the 27th of October, we visited the Jászberény Rescue Dog Service, where we got to know the training location...

We had drama session

„On the 26th of October, the boys played FIFA, and we cheered for them. Marci played very well. After the...

Common Saturday

"We were greeted by students at the Community House on the 24th of October. They told us about the universities...

Before high school

On the 20th of October we held Parents' Academy session for the eighth-grade students and their parents in Jászberény. Our...


"On the 9th of October we held a sporty day. We went on a trip to Hármashatár Hill, where we...

A day at the Zoo

A week ago, unfortunately, we could not to attend our group’s first family day. On the 11st of October we...

Playful informatics

"On the 9th of October I met again with the 5th graders. We sat down at the computer and the...

Our first family day

"We had our first Family Day on the 3rd of October and it was wonderful! It was good to see...