
The applause is for you!

The Foundation has been supporting the Aurora Film and Theatre Society since 2020. In the play The applause is for...

Félévi szóbeli nyelvi vizsgák

Nagybajom: On Friday afternoon, December 10, the online oral rounds of the language competition also took place continuously in the Nagybajom...

We were in Eger

„At the weekend I went to Eger with my groupmates and our mentor. Everyone was looking forward to it because...


On the last day before the autumn break, we visited a part of the Jászság Group 4 at the site...

Aware of our environment

The environmental awareness project of the Jászsági Community House continues this week with the participation from all four groups. "On Friday,...

Adventures in October

“The Jászság Group 4, led by mentor Andrea Hábenciusné Balla, took part in a study trip on October 2 -...

Vujity Tvrtko visited us

Vujity Tvrtko, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Hungarian writer and journalist of Croatian descent, author of several success books, visited Jászberény this...

Children’s parliament in Mohács

On the 25th of September, Csányi Foundation's Children's Parliament had their first meeting of the year. It was even more...

Parent’s meeting

Nagybajom The mentors of NB1 and NB2 had their regular The parental meetings at the start of the school-year on the...


“September pampers us with really nice autumn days, so on the first weekend after school, we were able to have...

Hungary – Andorra 2-1

“It was a huge experience to get to the Puskás Arena. Fortunately, many people came to support the Hungarians, about...

I acquired my degree

On July 14th, I got my university degree for finishing the Economic and Logistical Informatitian base class, in the Economy...


The health camp in Jászberény was mainly in the spirit of swimming, as we consider it important that our children...

Camp in Eger

This year we spent a week in Eger within the framework of the historical and national knowledge camps of the...

Sport camp in Mohács

Enjoyable and productive programs were held during the camp. Beside trainings and a volleyball championship, we couldn’t miss a voyage...