
We all need music

At the last weekend of January, the chamber orchestra rehearsed again preparing for the Walk of Life day. Today we...


"On 26th January we spent a couple of hours in the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights with the...

Herbs and their effects

On Wednesday (17.01.2018), thanks to Peti bácsi and Bella we had an interesting and useful 1,5 hours: during this week's...

Logical Activities

On the 20th January, 2018 Mr. Lajos Pósa visited us and organized a morning with lots of interesting logical tasks...

Thank You!

In January the machine park of the Foundation grew with a new van that has been put in to use...


We had a great time preparing for the Walk of Life day. We have an exciting concept in mind which...

Planning at a higher level

Today afternoon we listened to Máté Orbán about his experiences attending university at Wiener- Neustadt in Austria. He emphasised the...

Parent Mentor Meeting

The half term parent mentor meeting was held in Pécs 1 group. We discussed the school grades, the upcoming programmes,...

An unusual drama lesson

On 13th January, we have discussed about an interesting topic during our drama lesson. We got to know an instructive...

Treasure in Kaposvár

PÉCS: All three groups of Pécs visited Kaposvár to see the much fabled Seuso treasure. "It was very nice, I really...

KRESZ and Chemistry

Today I have been presenting a lecture on the driving license and the rules of the road for the smaller...

New Year

We hope you all enjoyed a nice, relaxing winter break. Now we are ready for an exciting and successful 2018!...


We have seen the fantastic movie Paddington 2 in the cinema about the marmalade loving bear. It is a movie...

Merry Christmas

It was great celebrating together in the Foundation's Community Houses with the families. The kids performances were lovely and every...

Advent Family Day

We truly appreciate the generous donation Jászberény - On 9th December, our traditional family day in the advent period...

Tissues under the microscope

On the last Science Class in this year we made cross-sectional cuts of plants to observe them. In the first...

Ball at the Savoy

The last but one programme of group 3 of Szeged was a theatre evening where we watched the Ball in...


Today, after much preparation, we’ve received our ECDL certificates. This will help those who will pursue a carrier in IT....