
Preparing for the CD

The youngest members of the Csányi Band held a rehearsal at the community house in Pécs preparing for the “Walk...

Work and entertaintment

In this afternoon (13th of February) I could take part in two activities of the Foundation. With my mentor we...

Open day in McDaniel College

Today we took an excursion to Budapest where we visited the open day in McDaniel College with my mom and...

The latest wrestling achievements

Tamara Dollák, member of Group 2 of Szeged participated in competitions of wrestling during the last week. On 3rd Feb. 2018...

Photo Course continued

Started in last year, consisting of more occasions, yesterday (10.02.2018.) we continued our Photo Course with its 3rd “lesson”, in...

Logical lesson

This day was spent in an exciting atmosphere. Lajos Pósa, who has received Príma award, visited us and held a...

Working with the AMNESIA team

The collaboration between the Csányi foundation and AMNESIA continued with a second time of glimpsing into the fashion industry. Secondary...

Our first exhibition in Szeged

The exhibition of the Photographers of Szeged opened on 6.02.2018. at Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra Szeged. Hedvig Orbán, director of Agóra opened...

Interview with Gyula Molnár PhD

Gyula Molnár PhD is an ornithologist, born in Szeged. His love towards nature was shown is his childhood – his...

Carnival in Nagybajom

Today, in addition to the improving sessions, there was a carnival atmosphere. The little and the elder ones, mentors and...

Parent-mentor meating

On 3rd February Group 3 of Kaposvár held a parent-mentor meeting, where we discussed a number of important topics. First...

Getting into the carnival mood

We spent an eventful weekend in the Community House. In the morning, the last round of the language competition brought...

Bolyai Mother Tongue Competition

‘In November 2017 I and my 3 classmates participated in the regional Bolyai Mother Tongue Group competition. This competiton has...

A visit to the theatre

Today afternoon (31st January) after the foreign language lessons, the students being fond of theatres of the groups 2 and...

It has begun

Good luck to all of you! The Foundation invites applicants for the Foundation's Educational Programme (15 students in Kaposvár and...

Career Advising

On the 27th January, on Saturday, a volunteer, Lilla Becsei visited us in order to talk about ourselves, our ideas,...