
ECDL Training

"Our group continued to work diligently during the autumn break, hoping for another successful exam, we took part in Ecdl...

Happy Monday

On Monday, October 25th we organized halloween afternoon for Roland’s new group in nagbyajom’s community house. Our goal was to...

At the Bagolyvár Evening

On 18 October 2021 enthusiastic members of the Group 2 of Szeged attended an interesting talk within the educational program...

We were in Eger

„At the weekend I went to Eger with my groupmates and our mentor. Everyone was looking forward to it because...


On the last day before the autumn break, we visited a part of the Jászság Group 4 at the site...

Success in ECDL

Pécs 2 group has successfully completed two modules of ECDL this year. The first one was Power Point and now...

Nagybajom – Delta program

On Saturday, I finally had the chance to get to know the youngsters of NB3 a bit better. Even though...

Family Day at Vackor homestead

This year we held our Family Day at Vackor homestead near lake Töröcskei. This was a special occasion for us...

Aware of our environment

The environmental awareness project of the Jászsági Community House continues this week with the participation from all four groups. "On Friday,...

Chess festival

"17 high school and university students volunteered to help run the event. Among the tasks, we were honored with, were...

Family Day in Szentes

"We were able to meet with each other in the wonderful autumn on the Family Day.  Our mentors were surprising...

Adventures in October

“The Jászság Group 4, led by mentor Andrea Hábenciusné Balla, took part in a study trip on October 2 -...

Vujity Tvrtko visited us

Vujity Tvrtko, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Hungarian writer and journalist of Croatian descent, author of several success books, visited Jászberény this...

Delta tour

Delta tour The Ötös-hárs reservoir hosted the family day of Nagybajom’s community. We made a complex program. The organizing group...