I’ve graduated!
I’ve been a member of Csányi Foundation since 2007. After successfully passing both my school-leaving exam and English language exam...
I’ve been a member of Csányi Foundation since 2007. After successfully passing both my school-leaving exam and English language exam...
From December 11 to 12 we crowned our joint Advent program with a trip to Katica Tanya. The program was...
Nagybajom: On Friday afternoon, December 10, the online oral rounds of the language competition also took place continuously in the Nagybajom...
On the last day of November, young people living in S10 took part in an exciting cinema watching. Ridley Scott’s...
“Neither the long journey nor the cold staggered us to support the Hungarian national football team live against San Marino....
In connection with our Tisza-project that started last year, today we visited one of the Tisza river's oxbow more precisely...
Today, on 13th November, we had prepared for our portfolio defense with different tasks. We started with a light start-of-class...
"Our group continued to work diligently during the autumn break, hoping for another successful exam, we took part in Ecdl...
On Monday, October 25th we organized halloween afternoon for Roland’s new group in nagbyajom’s community house. Our goal was to...
“If it is an autumn break, there are“ dental days ”at Jászság Group 4, as it is already a tradition...
On 18 October 2021 enthusiastic members of the Group 2 of Szeged attended an interesting talk within the educational program...
„At the weekend I went to Eger with my groupmates and our mentor. Everyone was looking forward to it because...
On the last day before the autumn break, we visited a part of the Jászság Group 4 at the site...
Pécs 2 group has successfully completed two modules of ECDL this year. The first one was Power Point and now...
On Saturday, I finally had the chance to get to know the youngsters of NB3 a bit better. Even though...
This year we held our Family Day at Vackor homestead near lake Töröcskei. This was a special occasion for us...
The life of the graduating students of the Kaposvár Group 1 is coming to a turning point. This year they...
The environmental awareness project of the Jászsági Community House continues this week with the participation from all four groups. "On Friday,...
On 15th October Pécs 2 group has started the Mecsek project. The main purpose of this event was to unveil...