2020. 04. 02.
Egyéb, Jászberény
The importance of hygiene
“On the 2nd of April I gave a presentation online for the 3rd group of Jászság with the help of Zoom application in connection with epidemic emergency. I tried to give them useful information. I called the kids attention to the importance of prevention. I think it is my role in this situation to help with this kind of presentation due to my studies and as a hospital volunteer.” Kitti Kispál, Jászság 3.
“In the afternoon Kitti Kispál gave a presentation about how can we protect ourselves and others. In this situation the voluntary quarantine and the hygiene are even more important. In addition, we talked about the correct use of mask and the thorough hand washing. Thank you Kitti!” Nóra Pintér, Jászság 3.