Local Camp of NB3
In the first half of our camp the children learned the basics of swimming while the second half is about the preparations for the Walk of Life Day. During the mornings the children rehearse their play with Mr Attila’s help and in the afternoon we are getting ready with our exhibition with our volunteers.
Day one
After the swimming and Sarlóspuszta camp we met in the Community House and we are going to spend the coming week there. In the morning Mr Attila helps us to get ready with our play. Luckily, everyone knows their words by heart so only the stage movements are needed to be practised. After lunch we prepared the coat of arms of three neighbouring villages with the help of Ms Tünde. Of course, we couldn’t go home without playing and tomorrow we will go on with the preparations.
We all had a nice day!
Bóni Richárd, Lóth Milán, Csontos Mihály
Day two
This day was more exciting because we could practise the movements of the play on stage. We are sure that everyone enjoyed it because Sasa was here with us as well. After the rehearsal we had lunch then we made glass decorations with Ms Tünde in order to be able to differentiate our glasses. One half of the group went to watch 10th Junior Festival handball match between the Ukrainian and the Dutch, the other half participated in arts and crafts lesson. We made dolls from rolls and when the boys came back, we cleared up the place together.
Gál Dorina, Lovász Laura, Balogh Nóra
Day three
Today we put the play together for the Walk of Life Day. The programme was spent in happy mood. While we were working hard Ms Tünde and Ms Jucus was preparing pizza for us in the kitchen. Later we had lunch and played football. In the afternoon the group was divided into two smaller groups. One went to the sports centre to watch football and handball with Mr Patrik, the other group made pearl bracelets and necklaces with. At the end of the day we all helped to clean the Community House.
Pálfi Gábor, Bertalan Zsolt, Bánfi Dávid
Day four: Today morning we started the day earlier because we watched the handball match of the boys from Böhönye, unfortunately they lost. Following the match we went to the Community House to practice our play. We really like these minutes and we have to fix some small details of the performance. During the breaks, the girls joined us to play football while the others played computer games. We had nice sour cherry soup and sandwiches for lunch. Afternoon we could make bracelets and play football. In the end of the afternoon we had to go home and sadly, this is the last but one day of our local camp.
Gelencsér Márton, Károlyi Dániel, Győző Zalán
The last day: We met in the Community House at 9.30. When Mr Attila arrived, we made our last rehearsal and we can say that it went really well. Then we walked to the sports centre where we watched the handball match. We cheered really hard for the team of Mátészalka and they could win against the Dutch team. When the match was over and we went back to the House the smell of freshly baked strudel invited us. We had strudel with poppy-seed and apple, sour cherry and cottage cheese. After lunch we cleaned up the house together and discussed the rest of the summer. In the afternoon we took a small stroll in the town and had ice-cream together. We had a really nice week thanks to Ms Tünde, Ms Jucus and to Mr Patrik.
Pap Virág, Orsós Éva, Horváth Katalin