Local history project days – Pécs 1 and Pécs 3 groups
On the local history project days Pécs 1 and Pécs 3 groups have participated. We have spent one day in Orfű, where we went through the Mill tour. They have presented us the different mill types and traditional paper production. On the next day we have visited the Siklós castle, where our tour guide took us back to the past. During the visit, we had a new experience. We had the opportunity to make hand-made soaps from herbs. I have never done this before! On the third day we have visited the Zsolnay Square in Pécs and the Planetary. There we could attend a presentation about our Universe. We could learn about the stars and constellations and their meanings. We could even see the real view of the Milky Way without light pollution. It was breath taking! Finally, we participated on a physics presentation about electrostatic experiments and we could also try out some of them. I think the programs were joyful and useful for everybody in the groups. Ivett Majoros, Pécs 3 group