Go Jász-Stones!
In October 2023, we began preparing for the 2024 First LEGO League Challenge competition. This year, we are working on tasks related to art and technology themes. On January 27th, we participated in the regional qualifier in Debrecen, which was our first challenge. Until that moment, we had been making great efforts in continuous robot programming and development, while simultaneously working on our innovation project called VUK, which stands for Universal Communication for the Visually Impaired, aimed at facilitating the reception of visual arts for the visually impaired. Because we believe art belongs to everyone! According to our plans, we created a prototype, which we tested in several places with different people. One of these was the Jászberényi Helyet Foundation, where people with various disabilities tried it out. Then the local leader of the Jászberényi Association for the Blind visited us and shared his opinion on our program. All of this was a great success, as our innovation won first place at the qualifier, and we advanced to the national finals, which was a huge surprise and joy for us.
Now, we have less than a month to correct the mistakes and deficiencies we found ourselves and those suggested by the jury and to incorporate our experiences into our national final competition material. The short time required a lot of invested work to finish everything. We had to put in a lot of time and energy so far, and the same will be needed in the last one-week sprint. We presented our program to a specialist, Béla Bakos, who is the Deputy CEO for Operations at the National Infocommunications Service Provider Ltd. He gave us positive feedback and provided us with advice to be even more successful. Among our final tasks are clarification, archiving, and practice. At the request of FLL, we prepared a short summary video about ourselves and our work.
In addition to the many hours spent happily and laughing together, solving tasks that require serious attention, we have grown dramatically and gained valuable experience. We, both young and old, are working together for success! We strive to do our best at the national finals on February 24th, where the stakes will be high, as the top five teams will advance to international competitions!