Herbs and their effects
On Wednesday (17.01.2018), thanks to Peti bácsi and Bella we had an interesting and useful 1,5 hours: during this week’s Science Class we learned a lot about different herbs and their positive effects. In the first half of the lesson we were given a short presentation about the plants themselves (their names,how they look like, where they grow, etc.) after which we could even taste the tea of them. Following that we could recline upon only our noses, and had to identify different spices based on their scent. In the last 10 mins of the class we measured the koi fish in the Community House in terms of their mass and length which we recorded in a Google Sheet table with all the previous measurements. Summing it up, we had a great and exciting afternoon program, and I would like to participate in classes similar to this.
Daniel Zombori, Group 3 of Szeged