Meeting of the Student’s Congress
The operation of the Student’s Congress is quite efficient, said the congress members after the meeting of the first weekend of March in the Community Center of Kaposvár.
However we all agreed that there is a lot of work to be done; for example expanding the Bank of Knowledge. It should operate more efficiently, providing the continuity of uploadings. It should help our students preparing for the school and other exams.
We also agreed that, however difficult it is to organize the meetings when everybody is available we have to solve it at least twice in a year. We spent most of the time with preparing a new competition. We also gave some thoughts of the renewal but in details we will discuss it in June. After the main points of the agenda, everybody gave a short feedback about the Community House and groups.
It was late afternoon when we finished working. Some of us have stayed a bit longer in the Community House for a chat. Fortunately nobody has left his good mood and excellent ideas at home. It was hard to say goodbye. We promised to work hard because there is a lot of work to be done.
Péter Horváth, President of the Student’s Congress