Factory visit in Szeged
We are in the year of the final exams and this is why we need to be clear of our opportunities.
Not only do we visit the open days of the universities but also listen to our mates who finish university and their experiences. Engineers are needed by this country. Among the useful training programmes is: electrical engineer, water engineer and food engineer. We had the opportunity to visit the salami factory in Szeged 19th January). We arrived to in the morning where we were welcomed. During the 2 two visit we could learn about the manufacturing processes of many types of salami. The most interesting part of the factory was the section of “téliszalámi”. The factory was very modern. We were given a thorough tour. We saw the different stages of salami making. We were told about the training programmes and the engineer training. We had a great time.
I found the visit really useful. We could learn about the new technologies and the benefits of dual training. Sólya Mihály, Pécs 2.
We visited the Pick factory and it was really interesting to follow how salami was made.
Petrovics Vivien, Pécs 2.
It was interesting to see how cold cuts and salami was made and to the life of people working there in the factory.
Bogdán Dóra, Pécs 2.
We are grateful for this wonderful opportunity. !
Izsák K. Bendegúz, Pécs 2.
We were shown every part of the manufacturing process and the factory. The programme was about 3 hours long and we got lunch too.
Orbán Máté, Pécs 2.