Thoughts on Chess Festival
We collected the thoughts of the children on Chess Festival in a bouquet. Enjoy them!
There were many interesting tasks in the Arts and Crafts corner. – Izsák Balár P3
We could prepare colourful and interesting toys. – Majoros Ivett P3
We could talk with the Polgár sisters. – Czulák Linda P3
I really enjoyed the point collecting tasks. – Csontos Mihály NB3
I was on the same photo with my favourite chess player, Polgár Judit. – Schneider Krisztián P3
I was on the stage when I got my prize! – Bártfalvi Benjamin P3
I had a photo together with the Queen of Chess. – Jakab Kata P3
I have learnt to jiggle. – Nagy Botond NB3
I could play on the organ. Pálfi Gábor NB3
I could try myself in pottery. Bogdán Dóra P2
I really enjoyed the different games when we had to solve tricky tasks. – Kovács Lilián P2
The lunch was delicious. – Gelencsér Márton NB3
I could paint a nice picture on canvas. – Veréb Zsanett P3
I had a tie in simultaneous chess with Polgár Zsófi – Bozsoki Balázs K3
The programmes were good and various. It was exciting to play with Polgár Zsófi. – Faragó Brúnó SZ1
It was a great experience to play with Polgár Zsófi. – Sebők Marcell SZ1
We had a magnificent view over Budapest day and night from Palace of Arts. – Feil Gergő SZ1
I really liked the place. I tried every station in Arts and Crafts corner and I watched the chess matches, too. – Makra Sarolta SZ3