Gödöllő trip
On the 2nd of november in we went to Gödöllő and Veresegyháza to have a trip with the three group of Jászság and with our mentors.
It was seem to be very interesting because there was the big part of us and moreover we had one more customer, Elisa from Italy who is volunteering down our way. First, we visited the Royal Castle of Gödöllő where we circuited more than 30 rooms. We got to know that the family of Grassalkovich how improved their castle and how was built the garden but I liked very much the unique baroque theatre room too. Naturally we didn’t wonder that this wonderful place was one of the favourite place of queen Elisabeth. After the visiting of the castle, we consumed our delicious lunch in the Szélkakas Restaurant of Gödöllő.
In the afternoon we go to the Bear Park of Veresegyháza, where the foreman presented the life of the bears and the wolves. How they behave, what they eat and what kind of hierarchy are they live. In the Experience home we fondled from the goat to pig all kinds of animales.
During the trip almost everybody was speaking with Elisa, we translated the informationes to her by turns.The littles started to teach her hungarian and they got a lot of happy moments to each other.
In the end of the day everybody was tired, but we arrived home with a full of experience. Thank you this great trip!
Roland Márk Bolyós and Virág Versényi Jászság 1.