Economic and Development Conference
On October 18, 2024, the 6th Jászság Economic and Development Conference was held at the Jászberény Campus of Eszterházy Károly Catholic University.
The conference was opened by Dr. István Rédei, President of the Jászság Manager Club Association, followed by Dr. János György Nagy, Director General of the EKKE Jászberény Campus, who welcomed the attending business and institution leaders, mayors, educators, students, and political figures. On behalf of the city, Mayor Lóránt Budai greeted the participants. The main patron of the conference, Dr. Balázs Hankó, Minister for Culture and Innovation, could not attend due to commitments in Brussels, but his thoughts were conveyed by Member of Parliament János Pócs.
The series of presentations began with a report by the Jász-Stones team from the Csányi Foundation, who had achieved success at the prestigious international Lego robotics competition, the Asia Pacific Open Championships (APOC) held in Sydney. Their presentation convincingly demonstrated to the attending entrepreneurs and politicians that the Jászság region is home to talented young people, emphasizing the importance of focusing on their further education.
As part of the afternoon program, which included the Sáros András Memorial Exhibition, the Jász-Stones team showcased the latest FLL (First Lego League) robotics course and their Universal Communication for the Blind innovation. Both were very popular with attendees, which was a great encouragement, as it indicated that they are on the right track.