2016. 01. 29.
Egyéb, Jászberény
On 28th January, we were in a spectaclurar folk night in Jászberény. We saw the performance of the world famous Fricska dance group.
Firstly we saw Papp Imre’s and his wife’s Péterbencze Anikó wonderful folk dances from four parts of Hungary: Szatmár, Kalotaszeg, Mezőség and Székelyföld.
Moussa Ahmed, Papp Gergely Bálint and Papp Máté Bence are the members of the group. They were showed in the Britian’s and Hungary’s Got Talent. In 2014 they broke the Guiness world Record: They are the fastest dancers in the world. I am very proud because two of them came from Jászberény, from my hometown. I am a folk dancer too and they are my good role model. Thank you for this evening!
Dávid Vig Jászság 3.