Szeged – Half term language exams
On 29th January the last stop of the oral exams took place in Szeged. We also welcomed Rachel McVey, Fulbright scholar, who supported the teachers as examiner during the afternoon.
The oral exams went well in a relaxed atmosphere. The students accomplished the tasks as they were expected according to their age group. They took two levels – B2 and C1. We have known the topics since October and we have been preparing for the exam since then. The children are motivated and enthusiastic, and I think the preparation and the mock exams give them opportunity to do well in the real exams in June. Luczay Orsolya, language teacher
The Foundation language exam arose the attention of the local media. Délmagyarország, Szeged Ma and Radio 88 also were interested in the exam and reported about it in the newspapers, online and on radio. Thank you for your reports.
‘The Csányi Foundation of Szeged was kind enough to invite me to participate in their English language examinations, which took place this afternoon. For the past few months, I have been working one-on-one with a Csányi Foundation student who is studying at Pazmany University in Budapest and wishes to improve his English. It was with great pleasure, then, that I accepted this opportunity to meet some of the Foundation’s younger scholars. Having myself studied foreign languages as a student, I can appreciate what a valuable experience it is to be able to speak the language you are studying with a native speaker, and even more than that, a native who does not speak your own language. Suddenly, the language you have been dutifully speaking in class—the obligatory and seemingly unnecessary substitute for your native tongue—comes alive, and you find that the words you have practiced in dialogues with your teacher and your classmates actually „work”!
During the exams, I was able to get to know each student a bit, and even to find some common ground. The examination methods were innovative, testing students’ written and oral English skills by having them complete such tasks as describing photos and continuing conversations with the examiners based on an imagined scenario, and the examination period was passed with a fair share laughs. Some students were shy and others eager, but all, I’m sure, have bright futures ahead of them with and beyond the Csány Foundation.’ Rachel McVay – Fulbright Volunteer
Pécs – The second last venue of the language competition was hosted in Pécs on 28th January. The second last venue of the language competition was hosted in Pécs on 28th January. To our greatest pleasure Csányi Gabriella curator of the Csányi Foundation took part on the competition as an examiner. It was great to see everyone focusing themselves on the task and doing their maximum on the exams in German and English both on B2 and C1 levels. Most of the students are in the competition for the summer tour prizes which the best 80 students will win. Go Pécs, go!
“In the afternoon, I met Judit, what made me happy, and I participated, as an examiner, on the students’ english exam. It was a really new and great experience for me! It was the first time that I’ve been “on the other side of the desk”. And I put myself in their places and I could just feel how they felt! (I was imagining if it was me instead of them, I’m sure that I’d be nervous also, so I completely understand them)! But tough some of them were a bit nervous, they were really good and could handle the situation very well! So I believe that they will get good marks in April exam. 🙂 I’m glad because I met more students today and tomorrow I’ll have some nice programs with them.”
Bianca Frota Torres, AIESEC volunteer from Brazil
On the second day it was Nagybajom’s turn. On 26th January all of us were ready to show how well we prepared ouselves for the exam. We not only had Ms. Judit, and our teachers to listen to us, but also Pamela – AIESEC volunteer from Brazil – who is going to stay with us for two weeks. On the top of that 4 volunteers from COMPASS were also our guests who examind us during this afternoon.
“Amazing experience. I really appreciate the way to approach the guys that came here. It was hard for me, because I usually felt as the students, so at the other side of the table. All the pressure, all the thoughts, now I felt in a different position, and I liked it. I am really thankful for the opportunity given and I wish all the best to these guys.” Simone Guzzi, COMPASS volunteer from Italy
“It has been a new, interesting and challenging experience. I have been here once before a few months ago, but it was completely different, last time we were talking as friends and now I am a kind of examiner and they are taking an exam. It is a good opportunity for both sides and I hope we will come again to continue building good relationships.” Christoph Merth, Küllike Reineberg and Rocío Andrés Granados COMPASS volunteers
“It was the first time I have taken part in an exam, and I really enjoyed it. I couldn’t believe that ’my always funny’ students were so embarrassed that they even forgot their names. Next time I’ll bring some chocolate or homemade cookies to feel them better. I’m very happy to meet them and my colleagues at the Foundation. Thanks!” Anett Kiss, language teacher